Thursday, March 26, 2009


The feeling of floating made me a giant,
owning the whole world,
everything around me became so small and
easy to control from where I was,
life felt vibrant, light, and powerful to own it all.
I'm still in charge of my life while I am 'floating'.
Jeglyla swapped skydiving for a more relaxing environment.

Photo: Jessica Jose

Q. Who are you?
A. I'm Lyla, Jeg, and whoever I love being at any time, I AM a human being

Q. What makes you 'you'?
A. My sweet, loving, caring, passionate, grumpy, energetic essence

Q. Are you who you used to be?
A. Nope, I left the old me 9 years ago to be exact, now I am the New Me Me Me

Q. Are you who you will be one day?
A. Not yet, maybe one day I will be perfectly Me

Q. We assume that you must be 'who you are right now', but wait.
A. Correct, I am now more loving, caring, straight-forward, and mean at times, I accept myself as I am with all my faults and virtues, a person who loves being happy no matter what.

Q. What if you are not feeling yourself at the moment?
A. Then I am also Mean Me, I simply must accept my less happy me as it is part of my being, I have to carry my little less-happy self at the moment, that is if I were not feeling myself.

The factors that go to make up our sense of identity are complex, subtle, yet crucial.
You are learning a lot about yourself now.

One of the things you are (or should be) learning, is that you are worth more happiness than you have lately experienced.

When I am less happy is when I give too much of myself to others then I find that my love is less appreciated, as soon as I find out where I am standing then it is very easy to bring back myself into a happy mood.

Then, I realise that I am more important than anything else around me... By being happy my life, my health, my spirit my environment float and I love that floating feeling as everything runs soooo smoothly when I am floating..

Knowing Who I AM helps to know What I WANT discarding the unwanted, looking forward to see that which I want to see only, looking forward to BE, that part of me that makes me happy or happier or the happiest, appreciating all the tiny gifts life offers me.

Many times is not the hilarious happy, but a pleasant peaceful happiness deep inside me makes me float through out my day.

I'm back...

Continue read...Who......