Friday, March 13, 2009

What have I done to be proud of myself today?

Quite interesting question…

I was me all day

I was on receiving mood all day

I needed no nappy change all day

I did not wet the bed either… hooray for that

I did not skid my boxers either

I typed and submitted a post before I left to hospital

I went to hospital for 2nd day treatment

I gave my best blood to Dracula

I was a nice girl under the scanner… not behind the bushes nonono

I looked for information on how to stop a pain that is becoming chronic

I found out that gooood girls girls girls are bad ladies

I wrote a love letter to a friend and posted

I ate curry tonight … not a good idea I should leave that to the lady

And I just got home…

Today has been a great day for me, better than yesterday, although yesterday was good too…

So sad
So sorry
I could not hang my head …

Oh I made another real friend on my way home… lunch tomorrow… tuc tuc

Whatever I do, it is good I do it because it makes me feel good, do I need permission to feel good? naaaaaaah

Think about that. Something is seriously awry when ones self-esteem is so low you cannot feel proud of your own accomplishments without someone else also giving you credit.

Something is not well when you need someone to reassure you exist, when you cannot function as an individual, when you are a dependent then you are not You, you are just someone's echo.

Start by trusting yourself, start by believing in yourself first, start by being honest to yourself first, see for that which makes you happy, once you find it, it will guide you to create more and more...

No one can make us happy if we do not know who we are and what we want.
No one can love us the way we want if wed do not know how to love ourselves first

What do you want now?
Ask and it is given anytime you want it

Everything is possible only if you want it...

More on self trust coming soon...

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A Lady's Repute

Behind the bushes, wouldn't be loverly my lady?

Who is a lady?
A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.
A woman of refinement.

Which qualities make a lady?

A woman regarded as proper and virtuous.
A well-behaved young girl.
A woman who is the head of a household.
A woman, especially when spoken of or to in a polite way.

What is a lady address?

It is a title, in the old days it was given to royalty to designate their social status.
In these modern days it is a "name" given to a woman.
A general feminine title of nobility and other rank, specifically: used as a title to address female royalty.

And also is one of the many names for; Cocaine.

These days females receive this polite addressing, “Ask the lady in purple…”, “See the lady at the end of the corridor”
But I have never heard of, “it was the lady behind the bushes…”.

Then, in these modern times, what is the personal role of the lady?

A lady apart from being a virtuous, well-mannered person is someone who takes care of her environment, her person, her emotions.
A lady takes responsibility for herself, for her body, maintains her principles high at all times.
A lady knows where to go, when and why.

In royal circles ladies were a mix of; kind people and there are well known selfish royals named somewhere in the books.

During my early childhood, ladies were kind, generous people helping and caring for others. "Oh that lady smelled nice", that was because the lady was nice... "she bought me a rag doll"...

Well… I am half way there as I am a tomboy and I love mischief. Knowing well who I am, I make sure I remain within my boundaries in relation to my personal standards. To lower myself for a moment of passion it would mean to effect my life for the rest of my natural existence.

Thievery, abortion, deceit behaviour fit the lower social classes, due to lack of education, due to lack of resources available to improve their lives.

What is the point to follow careers, invest the sacrifices of our parents to send us to become better people if in a low moment of temptation, all those sacrifices go down the drain due to weakness and lack of control on the emotions.

Not only "the lady" in question suffers with misbehaviour, the rest of the family have to put up with the penalties.

Reputation is not a custom, reputation is the standard of qualities of a person, it could be good as it could be appalling.

This is in response to a mistake experienced by people who strongly believe in "ethnic customs".
I have lived in this modern world for many years, I only follow what "my book" dictates, which is my conscience.

Being a prudish is someone else's role. I enjoy my outings, I enjoy male companionship and at all times I keep my head on my shoulders, I make sure I am safe and well protected, my body is my temple and I love enjoying my body for few more decades to come as I love my sanity. Hurting myself and others due to my weakness would be incomprehensible not an alternative.

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