Friday, March 27, 2009

wanting more

Time to look after number 1... let go, be free

There is more to you than meets the eye.
Many times what catches my eyes' and/or my heart's attention is deceiving.

There is more to life than an unsatisfactory situation that you seem to be caught up in.
The feeling of attachment is so strong that letting go hurts, once mind is made up, loosing grip to attachment becomes a breeze.

There is more hope, more joy and more love in your heart than you could ever experience if you dedicated the whole of the rest of your life to pursuing this and nothing else.
On my way to it now, and it is a great joyful adventure getting there.

Why then, when your life could be full of so much more, are you seemingly willing to settle for so much less?
I WANT MORE, and I always want MORE and MORE... why settle for little when I own the world?

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